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Resting state fMRI and psychiatric assessment after Freemasonry ceremony to get fellowcraft passing degree in a female: Follow up study

José Luis Mosso Vázquez

Regional Hospital number 25 IMSS, México

E-mail : bhuvaneswari.bibleraaj@uhsm.nhs.uk

Carlos Jesús Castañeda González

Hospital General de México, Mexico

Dejanira Mosso Lara

Hospital Angeles, México

Julián Sánchez Cortázar

Hospital Angeles del Pedregal, Mexico

Roger Antonio Carrillo Mezo

Hospital Angeles del Pedregal, Mexico

Oscar René Marrufo Melendez

Hospital Angeles del Pedregal, Mexico

Mayra Ortiz Givaundan

Hospital Angeles, México

Yolanda Tovar Ortega

Hospital Angeles, México

Ian Miller

The Virtual Reality Medical Center, San Diego, CA, USA

Mark Wiederhold

The Virtual Reality Medical Center, San Diego, CA, USA

Brenda Wiederhold

The Virtual Reality Medical Center, San Diego, CA, USA

Virtual Reality Medical Institute. Brussels, Belgium

DOI: 10.15761/TiM.1000276

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Objective: Analysis of a brain Resting State fMRI and psychiatric assessment after fellowcraft passing degree freemasonry ceremony in a young Mexican female.

Methodology: A hermetic Freemasonry rite ceremony was performed in Alpha and Omega lodge temple number 33. Neuropsychological assessment and Brain fMRI were made 3 hours after ceremony on November 29, 2020 in Mexico City. Tree and human figure drawings, sentences completion test (59 questions), big five personality traits (16 sentences) surveys were used for psychiatry assessment.

Results: fMRI findings: Frontal lobes are activated in the two lobes symmetrically predominantly with a slight of the left side. There is activity both temporal lobes predominantly left. Activity in primary and secondary visual areas also. In parietal lobes is low and symmetry activity. Corpus callosum present cortical bilateral activity and in deep left nucleus predominantly. Cerebellum presents low Activity in anterior of corpus callosum (beak or rostrum). No activity was found in the following areas: Gyrus cingula, limbic lobe, epithalamus, thalamus, hypothalamus, midbrain, pons and brain stem. Psychiatric assessment: drawings, incomplete sentences and big five personality traits include surveys as clinical assessments depicted improving an emotional and behavior response, improving generalized anxiety disorder.

Conclusions: Brain activities are more organized and present symmetry activation in frontal temporal and parietal lobes because there is a better thought organization due to the presence of symmetry non see in the entered apprentice degree fMRI findings. Resting state results are very objective in their description but not in their interpretation and it is convenient to consider the results of the evaluation by the neuroradiologist. After 2nd fellowcraft passing degree ceremony we observe remarkable courage, challenge and low fear behavior by psychological surveys and drawing tests. Ppsychiatric assessment shows an improvement in the personality of the neuropsychological evaluation. We will have to wait for the results of the third ceremony (Master Mason degree) for a global conclusion.

Key words

fellowcraft, resting state fMRI, secret society


Mexican young female of 30 years age got freemason entered apprentice degree on March 30, 2019. She gets fellowcraft passing degree on November 29, 2020 into female freemasonry lodge in Mexico City, 20 months after the first ceremony. The first neuroimaging findings were high temporal lobe activation with low activation in frontal lobes, there was no connection between both hemispheres because corpus callosum was not activated totally. Before the first ceremony she had depressive state, generalized anxiety disorder, low self-esteem, and low family relationship. After the first ceremony she improves remarkable emotions, moods, behavior and family relationship thanks the tree and human figure drawings analysis. Under this medical history in the first degree, we follow up the same assessment control 20 months later. In freemasonry exists three fundamental degrees that celebrates in three rituals into hermetic ceremonies, they call entered apprentice, fellowcraft and sublime Master Mason degrees [1-6]. One degree takes at least one year, in the ancient it took more than seven years each. The candidate has experienced the fellow craft passing degree. The great lights they have are the holy bible, the square and the compasses. The meanly books they read are the holy bible, liturgies, constitutions and landmarks. The divinity is the Great Architect of the Universe. Candidate in the second degree use specific liturgy, apron, certain and different modes of recognition and proceedings. We will study the mental process after the second ceremony, rituals, and after reading several books [7-14].


Psychiatric and neuroimaging assessments were performed 3 hours after passing degree freemason ceremony on November 29, 2020 in alfa and omega lodge number 33 in Mexico City: Neuropsychology performed, the three and a person drawing tests, incomplete sentences and “big five” questionnaire tests for psychiatry and neuro assessment and integrate general conclusions with neuroimages. Clinical assessment was performed by psychiatry, and neurosurgeon. Female was not informed about all medical assessments, places, schedules, method, and no information about freemason ceremonies. All happen spontaneously and suddenly for her. Team researchers didn´t have permission again to be inside lodge temples during secret ceremonies.

Passing degree freemasonry ceremony was performed between 4-5 hours inside an alfa and omega female lodge temple in Mexico City on November 29, 2020. The candidate participates in this ceremony with the following conditions: lighter breakfast 8 hours before ceremony, bathed, elegant address with black and white clothes, punctual, have rested at least 7 days before ceremony. The candidates participated in the ceremony without knowing anything about the ritual, clinical evaluation and Resting State-fMRI appointment after the ceremony. Time ceremony process was 5 hours with absolute hermetic secret with doors closed for profane people.

The psychiatric assessment was integrated by the three and a person figure drawing tests, additional surveys were included as incomplete 59 sentences and the big five personality traits with 16 questions. Tree test. Is a graphical projection and is used to create a picture of the person´s cognitive, emotional and social functioning. This projective test can be used without any resistance to your drawing by children, young people and adults.

Human figure drawing. The drawing of the human figure generates conscious associations, since it is a direct expression of the body image. The quality of the drawing will reflect the ability of the subject to maintain personal relationships and to submit their self and their interpersonal relationships to a critical and objective evaluation assessing the psychic status including psychiatric illness and personality state. The complete test was not used in this case (The house-person-tree personality test) because is the same test used in the first-degree ceremony and the candidate knows this technique. Sentences completion (Joseph Sacks test for adults). Sentence completion tests typically provide answers to complete sentences, referred to as stems. The strategy is to know the first mind in each question, reveal latent needs, sentiments, feelings and attitudes, personality using specific words related with mother, father, sex and work. This test permit knows the emotional reactions also, Launched by Joseph M. Sacks. Big five personality test. This test permits tell us about yourself and what strengths and weaknesses are. It is the best psychological model to test personality. fMRI was performed in a private hospital in resting state for about 2 hours. Resting state was performed with Phillips MRI equipment, Achieva with release 3.2.3 software, 3 Teslas and 8 channels antenna head. Psychiatry assessment was performed by phycological assessment results, medical history and clinical evaluation at the Hospital Fray Bernardino Alvarez.


The tree drawing test. There are not base above the tree and a smaller number of branches, it shows less parents-relationship, less anxiety. A human figure drawing test. It depicts a feminist drawing, more aggressivity and less anxiety. Sentences completion test (adults). She considers her mother a nagging woman and over demanding. No difficult in accepting in her life, she works harder, she look with low sexuality and more aggressive. Big five questionnaire test. She is open to new experiences, conscientious, extraverted, agreeable (She is social and enjoy the company of others) but tend to worry about things. Psychiatry diagnosis. She has reduction of generalized anxiety disorder (41.1 ICD. International statistical classification). It is not significant disturbance that needs therapy. Neuroimaging structures interpretation. Resting State fMRI was performed at a private hospital in Mexico City 3 hours after the ceremony. We appreciate resting-state fMRI neuroimaging frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal lobes activation and both hemispheres and mean and association fibers (forceps minor or beak rostrum of corpus callosum) also. As brain activation progresses you will find a better organized or symmetrical brain activity independent of what you have been thinking at rest. The emotional system is not activated, neither is the brain stem. The cerebellum in charge of controlling muscle tone decreases its activity after the second ceremony, considering it a learning or predisposition.


Is important point out the resting states neuroimaging structures findings most be integrate with psychiatric and psychological assessment to get a general conclusion because this method is very objective in its description but not in the interpretation. Is convenient to add the drawing test analysis for psychiatric assessments. We consider that the resting state shows significant changes in brain activation because there is a better organization of thought due to the presence of symmetry. The psychiatric assessment shows an improvement in the personality, behavior, and mood of the neuropsychological evaluation and Improving less generalized anxiety disorder and emotional depression. The neuropsychological evaluation shows an improvement in the personality of the candidate becoming her a challenger woman, with strong behavior, independent and free. In her actions she is a notable philanthropic behavior, with charity, morality and high love of her country regardless of the social and politic statement of her country and the risk this condition has. This young female presents a remarkable progress among relevant social scenario with high Mexican index female deaths due to three mean causes: organized crime, systematic feminicide, and SARS II Covid-19 global pandemic. On 2020 female deaths by feminicide and homicide were 3700 together. Women life is not easy in Mexico, and despite everything, her personal effort and the results that are poured out here are interesting because despite these risks, she is facing SARS-II Covid-19 as physician at the biggest Mexican Institute of respiratory disease (Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias INER) where she got Covid-19 pneumonia before the 2nd vaccine dose and despite respiratory aftermath she began philanthropic service to prevent Covid-19 giving poorest population preventive medical information, oximeters, masks, and all material related to prevent this pandemic in isolated and remote Mexican communities where cartels have the highest homicides rates in her country. Recently (on March 2021) she climbed up the highest mountain in Mexico. In conclusion, there are an improvement in the personality, behavior and organization of the young woman´s brain function if we compare it with the results of the first degree as entered apprentice carried out 20 months ago. It is important to note that she did not required psychological or psychiatric treatment or medication for the generalized anxiety disorder and emotional depression that she presented before entering the secret order. If she participates into the next sublime Master Mason ceremony, we will have the opportunity to measure the 3 ceremonies in the brain activity. Something important happens during ceremonies that changes personality and human behavior in this woman, but one case is not representative for general conclusions, is necessary more candidates to participate in this project for global conclusions (Figures 1 and 2) (Table 1).

Figure 1. Psychometric test: the three and human figure drawing test

Figure 2. Resting state fMRI

Table 1. Brain areas activity during fMRI Resting State (after second degree freemasonry ceremony)

Brain areas

After passing degree ceremony

Frontal lobe

There is activation in the two lobes symmetrically with a slight predominance on the left side.

Temporal lobe

High activity both temporal lobes predominantly left. The right rear two-thirds and the left completely.

Occipital lobe

Activity in primary and secondary visual areas.

Parietal lobe

Low activity and symmetry

Limbic lobe

No activity

Corpus callosum

Low Activity in anterior of corpus callosum (beak or rostrum)

Gyrus Cinguli

No activity

Thalamus Hypothalamus


No activity


Cortical bilateral activity and deep nucleus predominantly left


No activity


No activity

Brain stem

No activity


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Editorial Information


Ying-Fu Chen
Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan

Article Type

Research Article

Publication history

Received date: March 17, 2021
Accepted date: March 29, 2021
Published date: April 05, 2021


©2021 Vázquez JLM. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Vázquez JLM, Castañeda González CJ, Mosso Lara D, Sánchez Cortázar J, Carrillo Mezo RA, et al. (2021) Resting state fMRI and psychiatric assessment after Freemasonry ceremony to get fellowcraft passing degree in a female: Follow up study. Trends Med 21: DOI: 10.15761/TiM.1000276

Corresponding author

José Luis Mosso Vázquez

Regional Hospital number 25, Social Security Mexican Institute, México

E-mail : bhuvaneswari.bibleraaj@uhsm.nhs.uk

Figure 1. Psychometric test: the three and human figure drawing test

Figure 2. Resting state fMRI

Table 1. Brain areas activity during fMRI Resting State (after second degree freemasonry ceremony)

Brain areas

After passing degree ceremony

Frontal lobe

There is activation in the two lobes symmetrically with a slight predominance on the left side.

Temporal lobe

High activity both temporal lobes predominantly left. The right rear two-thirds and the left completely.

Occipital lobe

Activity in primary and secondary visual areas.

Parietal lobe

Low activity and symmetry

Limbic lobe

No activity

Corpus callosum

Low Activity in anterior of corpus callosum (beak or rostrum)

Gyrus Cinguli

No activity

Thalamus Hypothalamus


No activity


Cortical bilateral activity and deep nucleus predominantly left


No activity


No activity

Brain stem

No activity