Include relevant clinical, radiological and pathological images with the manuscript to give it a visual accept and increase the impact of your work on the readers.
The following file formats are accepted for figures submitted to OA Text: JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, GIF, and Power Point
Make all effort to preserve the anonymity of the patients. if photographs of an individual is used in which a person can be identified, written informed consent must be obtained and submitted to the Editorial Office. This permission is separate from the permission taken from the patient to publish the case.
If you include text or figures that have been published elsewhere, you must obtain permission is separate from the permission taken from the patient to publish the case.
If you include text or figures that have been published elsewhere, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner(s). All expenses for obtaining such permission will have to be paid by the authors(s). If you are unable to pay for obtaining permission to use previously published work, we suggest that you use other work available free to refer and cite in your manuscript.
Figures should be numbered consecutively according to the order in which they have been first cited in the text.
Mention the figure numbers in the text at the appropriate places in parenthesis before the punctuation marks. e.g. (Figure 1) or (Figure 1A, 2) or (Figure 1A, 1C, 3-5) or (Figures 1-3) or (Figures 1,4-6)
Do not include images in the main manuscript text file.
All figures should be provided as separate files.
Includecolor figures wherever possible.
The file name should include the figure number. Label file names as:Figure1, Figure2 etc. If multiple figures form a part of a sequence label them as Figure 1(A), Figure 1(B) etc.
Figure files should have a minimum of 300 pixels per inch (ppi) if in color or halftone, or at 1200 ppi if as line art. Digital scanned line drawings should have a minimum resolution of 800 dpi. Figures containing color should be in RGB (millions of colors), 8 bits per channel. No other color space is allowed, such as CMYK, indexed, or bitmap. Save grayscale or RGB files with a depth of 8 bits per channel, not 16.
Try to keep all images separate. You do not need to combine multiple images into a single image.
If it is necessary to combine multiple figures into one composite figure, figure parts should be denoted on the figure by uppercase letters (A, B, C etc.). Label each figure in the lower left hand corner (for Figure 1(A), label figure as 'A', for Figure 1(B), label figure as 'B',without quotes). Labels should not include the word'Figure'. The size of the letters should be large enough to be easily visible. Use font color so that letters contrast with the background. Keep letters of a consistent size in all the figures. You can use symbols, arrows or letters in the figures to indicate important areas or parts. Do not put the title of figures or explanations on the figure. Mention them in the figure legends.
If a figure has been published elsewhere, you will have to submit written permission from the copyright holder to reproduce the materials at the time of submitting the Author Agreement Form.
Please provide figure legends on a separate page with Arabic numerals corresponding to the figures.
The legend should be included in the manuscript text file immediately following the references.
Give a good description of the figure. When arrows, symbols or letter are used to identify parts of figure, identify and explain each one in the legend. Give the magnification and identify the method of staining in photomicrographs.
Figure legend should begin with term 'Figure' followed by figure number (e.g. 'Figure 1').
Do not use any abbreviations unless their full forms are given (excluding common abbreviations such as names of antibodies.)
Text within a figure should be Arial, Times, and/or Symbol 6-12 point to ensure legibility. EPS text in other fonts may be lost or render improperly, so should be converted to outlines. Do not include author names, article title, or figure number/title/caption within figure files.
Create figures with a white background. Figures with a transparent background may not display well online.
Figures should be cropped to minimize surrounding white space. A 2-point white space border around each figure is recommended to prevent inadvertent cropping of content at layout.
TIFF files with multiple layers are not acceptable. Figures with a single layer named “layer 1” or “layer 0” are in fact “layered.” Please provide a flattened version of any multiply layered file.
If you use excel to generate your graph, avoid 3D, crowded axes, colored background, strong grid etc.. Use Tahoma font (size 10 maximum) for all items in your graphs (Title, legend, axes etc..). Expand your Excel graph to obtain a large image, copy and paste it in Paint (Microsoft Paint), crop any white border and save the image as PNG or JPEG. Submit this image for your manuscript
If you plan on submitting a stereogram as one of your figures, make sure this is clearly mentioned in the caption for the figure within the manuscript. Stereograms must be sized so that the centers of each of these images are 63 mm apart. Make sure that the stereogram figure is at the size you would like them to display.
The journal reserves the right to modify, crop, rotate, reduce, or enlarge the photographs to an acceptable size.