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How can you describe personal medicine?

Elisabeth van der Gulik

HonDL, Chirurgijn 21, 1188 DK Amstelveen, The Netherlands

DOI: 10.15761/JSCRM.1000135

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Short communication

New entities as effectivity, participation by the patient, ethics, multidisciplinary approach of research and consultation, deliver a totally different look to the way as to how a medical problem has to be resolved. New specializations in medical law, medical management, tend to be developed day by day. New specializations of medicine will bring more effectiveness in using medical procedures.

Ask a health care worker how he/she would design the organization of future f health care, the worker would reply with different answers: “I should not know”, “there will be a lack of medicine”, etc.

Medical practitioners, researchers, pharmacologists, may provide numerous solutions for all illnesses, the reaction of the patient to these solutions may appear differently in many cases, as foreseen. Typical patient’s properties may change the effect of therapies completely.

To provide optimal and efficient solutions in health care management, many health care centres are turning their efforts towards the future, in terms of e-health, personal medicine, multidisciplinary approach of the patient.

In this way you may describe personal medicine as based on the individual patient profile, taking account of the individual state of physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being. Actually, personal medicine has to be seen as best possible medical treatments adapted to the needs of the patient.

The term personal medicine may also be used, indicating precision medicine, corresponding to the function of medical approach to the patient. In cases of blood transfusion or organ transplantation precision medicine will be taking into account individual variability in genes. Environment and lifestyle are other factors in determination of a specialised treatment and could be considered as precision medicine. In that context prevention and therapy are both part of precision medicine.

Personalised medicine is focussed to the needs of disease care of diseased to the needs of disease care for treatments of diseased individuals and individual patient cohorts but not for health care of individuals to maintain in a good mental and physical shape avoiding clinical manifestation of diseases. Predictive and preventive medicine will complete the wish of a therapy that maximises the efficacy for that one patient.

Personalised care may profit from treatments and knowledge developed by other ways of approaching of patients or healthy persons. Recovery may in specialized cases be empowered by traditional, complementary and alternative medicine (integrative medicine); epidemiological outcome from large groups of affected individuals may serve as information to optimize a certain treatment (stratified medicine).

Decision making in personalised medicine may profit from studies as done by professor G. Schrijvers in his book Better and Cheaper, where several pathways have been declared to obtain quality of care, related to the perspective of the patient and population type.

At last, but not at least, ethical counselling will contribute to the empowerment of patient and development of new contributions to personalised medicine [1-5].


  1. https://Biobanken.nl
  2. Golubnitschaja O, Baban B, Boniolo G, Wang W, Bubnov R, et al. (2016) Medicine in the early twenty-first century: paradigm and anticipation - EPMA position paper 2016. EPMA J 7: 23. [Crossref]
  3. Prstacic M, Dias Allessandrini C, Carvalho MM,Vrkljan M, Eljuga D (2011) Croatian-Brazilian Project, Breast Cancer and Clinical Research on Creative and arts-expressive/supportive (Psycho)therapies. Libri Oncol 39: 83-91.
  4. Schrijvers G (2016) Integrated Care: Better and Cheaper. The Hague, The Netherlands.
  5. Van der Gulik E (2018) The role of different medical specializations in future health care organization,  Pre World Conference, “Art and Science in the Development of Life Potentials”, Zagreb, Croatia.

Editorial Information


Seung-Yup Ku
Seoul National University

Article Type

Short communication

Publication history

Received date: April 12, 2019
Accepted date: April 23, 2019
Published date: April 26, 2019


©2019 van der Gulik E. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


van der Gulik E (2019) How can you describe personal medicine? J Stem Cell Res Med 4: DOI: 10.15761/JSCRM.1000135

Corresponding Author

Elisabeth van der Gulik

HonDL, Chirurgijn 21, 1188 DK Amstelveen, The Netherlands

E-mail : bhuvaneswari.bibleraaj@uhsm.nhs.uk

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